Thursday, April 8, 2010

Washington and a "sort of" vacation.

Well the kids and I made it to washington unscathed. I think I often freak out more than they do! the stress that I feel just trying to make sure I don't "lose" the kids and trying to get two carry on bags and two under the seat bags with us....I've decided all moms need octopus hands!

But we are here, and we are in one piece! I've already gotten TWO hugs from my little sister, which is a huge thing for her since she is soooo shy :0) the kids are looking forward to exploring the many acers that Grandma and Papa live on now! its like a minature forest in thier front yard!

Matthew is making me crazy, but I expected as much. He's got alot of pent-up energy, both naturally and from the change in routine. He's acutally doing a bit better than I expected him to do in that arena. however, I am having to really watch him with personal space and social issues. My littlest sister is only 3, which is not a baby, but still younger than even Samantha. Samantha has done great, playing tea party with her, and crawling into her tent...treating her very calmly and gentely, matthew on the other hand tends to instantly go into hyper crazy mode and has her runing around and hollaring before I know it! she also has some sensory issues, and Matthew is having a hard time remembering not to touch her so much, at the same time,she is learning HOW to share...remeber I am her oldest sibling at 29 and my other sister is 23 with severe Mental disablities so essentially she is a pusedo "only child" LOL. about the only other problem we are having is making sure that Matthew remebers that Grandmas knee is hurting, which he is aware of, but again...the personal space issues play a large part. He just isn't aware of his spatial relationship to things around him! poor grandma is really having to be vigillant when she ventures around the house!
I'm hoping today goes better, it doesn't seem to be raining, so hopefully we will get outside, and get rid of some of this energy! and I brought our school work with us, so that should add some familiarity to the routine of things :)

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