Monday, April 6, 2009

New adventures in homeschool land :)

Things are going great here at the kitchen table classroom!

This week I will have an opportunity to teach both of the kids together, since its spring break and Samantha's school is closed. Today was day one and things went great!

I planned out Matthew's cirriculum for the week last night and made sure I had all the papers ready. Then I went on the hunt for preschool/kindergarten matterial for Samantha and I found some great things!
I printed her 5 sheets for the week: some handwritting practice with the letter B, a matching page, a more or less/bigger and smaller sheets, and a what doesn't belong? sheet......well, she did them all today!
I figured she would want to get up and go play LONG before she finished all the sheets, and was actually planning on doing just one sheet for about 15 min. with her and then letting her be part of the science reading about earth day, and social studies about easter egg history story that I read. I figured a this point 45 min was probably her limit for sitting in one place and paying attention.....Boy did I underestimate her! LOL
Of course this is just day ONE, so its all fun still, but she amazed me knocking out sheet, after sheet, and very eagerly stating "I want to do another one, that on please!"

so far the only stubling block seems to be Matthew being so interested in what she is doing that he had trouble staying focused on what he needed to do! but that will become less as he gets used to her being there I suppose!

So that morning went great, and Samantha sat through all 1 1/2 hours of instruction, even sitting and listening to her brother finish his reading work :)

I'll let you know how the rest of the week goes!

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Sounds great Megan! I find that Quinn has a better attention span than Jack....pretty sure it's a girl-thing...we're just smarter! hee hee!!