Sunday, March 28, 2010

what is a Dad?

I've not had your typical childhood....or mabey now days I have? I don't know. what I do know is that I spent most of my childhood without my biological father, the drugs were more important than me...he was an addict..that's what they do. BUT I was 6 I got a great step dad, who became more than that to me. I stood up in his wedding with my mom and was asked if I would take him as a part of my family, he taught me to ride a bicycle, protected me when I didn't wanna have visitation with my druggie father, and fought with my mom to get me back when I was stolen from them for 3 years even after he was accused of sexual abuse! and after all that he treated me just like his daughter- he talked to all of his friends about what a good kid I was and how proud he was of me, he taught me to drive a car, was there when I graduated from highschool, and was the man who my husband asked to marry me, He walked me down the asile and gave me away! and then 6 months later, just after I moved to Montana to start my new life with my new husband....he called to tell me that he and my mom were getting divorced...after 13 years, he was going back to his first wife (my mom was his 3rd). I cried, and he assured me that no matter what I would be his daughter...."this is between your mom and I, you'll always be my daughter, and I'll always be here for you" that's what he said. I was heart broken, all I could think was "YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO LOOSE TWO DADS!"

Alot has changed since that day. Mostly good but not all. I got back in touch with my bilogical father, he has been sober for 13 years now, and we have been in contact for almost 8 years. He's married to a wonderful woman, they have her daughter who is disabled and 23, and adopted a little girl that is now 3 years old. He's been an awesome grandpa, and we have done alot of catching up in the last 7 or so years and grown closer. It's been nice.
On the other side of the fence is my step-dad. I've talked to him 5 times in the last 10 1/2 years. once, I called him to ask for help with fixing one of our cars, we needed $300, he said he would help, and never called back. he met Matthew when he was 7 months old....He spent two hours at our house and we went to dinner. the next time I saw him was for about an hour when my sister turned 18. she's 21 this next month! He's never met
Samantha, I 've never recieved a card, phone call, or email for a holiday or anniversary in 10 1/2 years. I've sent a few fathersday emails, gotten a few thank you responses. that's it! so lately I've really been thinking about things, and the question I can't get out of my head is this: "How do you just walk away? can you really pretend it never happened?" I'm increadiably hurt, and i'm angry, I'm dissapointed, I'm confused. All I ever did was love him, as I got older I was always greatful for him and everything he had done. He made me into the women I am today, he gave me my morals and taught me about life, he pushed me, and he believed in me....and now I'm no one? how the hell does that work?
So I've decided finally after 10 years, I'm sending him a letter, I'm going to tell him how I feel. I don't have any pre determined idea of how its going to go, I hope he gets it but I'm not expecting it.
I'll let you all know how it goes!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Good luck with that. Let me know if he actually gives you the time of day and responds. I am not liking him on your behalf.