Sunday, January 16, 2011


the last few days have been very good days filled with Samantha's birthday celebration, filing our taxes and seeing our return amount, buying a new couch to be delivered on Friday, and getting things picked up and organized around the house. Yet I have been so full of night before I am falling asleep, and first thing in the morning when I open my eyes that familiar knot is in my stomach and my heart is racing... regularly throughout the day I find myself short of breath, with the overwhelming feeling. I have started back on my Gaba twice a day and I think tomorrow morning I am going to start on the Saint John's Wort again and see if that gets things back into check. I really hate to get back on the pharmaceutical meds again if I can help it, I am hoping if I stay diligent with my herbs I will be ok.
In the mean time, I REALLY hate feeling like this! I am trying to keep myself busy and just ignore it through most of the days since getting lost in the feelings doesn't help them go away.


Sheila said...

So sorry about the anxiety...i know you've probably tried various things to help it naturally, but what about yoga and/or exercise? If anything, at least these are some more "fillers" to keep you busy. ;-)

keeping you in my heart and mind and prayers for less anxiety my friend!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sheila, but I do want you to know that the medications are there for when the neutraceuticals go as far as they can.

I hate being trapped in the medicine too. And I hope I can wean myself off of it soon as well. And I would love to have the info on herbs you have for me....

Yoga is fantastic. My thoughts are with you...and i am sending calming healing vibes your way, babe.