As a home schooling mom, I get to spend A LOT of time with my children! and normally I consider this to be a blessing of immeasurable proportions...however occasionally I am forced to ask myself WHY AM I DOING THIS???!!! today just so happened to be one of those days when I wished I could wave at my son while he trotted off to terrorize some lovely random women and I drove home in my slippers and sweatpants to enjoy a cup of coffee and some DVR'd soap-operas! (not that I actually watch those retarded shows, but some brain numbing sounds like a good idea today!)
Today Matthew took a math test...
two of his questions and answers were the following:
1) would you measure I book using
a) inches b) feet c) yards d) meters
HIS answer: B (mind you he read the question, looked at me and said "I think its feet!...ok on to the next one!")
2) class started at 9am and lasted 7 hours...what time did class end
a) 3:00 b)4:00 c)6:00 d) 7:00
HIS answer: D (again he read the question...looked at the answers and said "7:00 looks good....Ok one more and I'm done!")
at this point I was well aware that he had made up his mind he was answering these questions as quickly as possible, and if he had to actually THINK about an answer he was just I let him finish, and immediately handed him two pages of Math drills and one page of time clock drills both containing about 20 questions on each page.
"what's this?" - eyes wide, in disbelief...(you see he THOUGHT he was DONE!)
"oh that's your practice, since you don't actually KNOW how to do those problems, and just FAILED a test, I decided you need to practice more! (I'm incredibly frustrated, but somehow I get a great sense of accomplishment watching him squirm a bit!)
"but I'll be here FOREVER! this is A LOT of work mommy!" (tears welling up in the corner of his eyes, I have to wonder if I'm getting through to him finally)
"well Matthew, if you had taken your time to complete your test questions correctly with the information you have been taught, you wouldn't need the extra practice"
we went back and forth for about 2 min. him trying to convince me that he actually knew how to do the problems, and me trying to make him understand that if he fails the state tests next year, he MIGHT not be able to stay home with me and will need to go back to public school because the powers-that-be were going to think i wasn't doing my job. Now this isn't the first time we have had this discussion, or this problem, and I really hope it worked this time! needless to say Matthews school day lasted from 9am to 2pm today which is about twice as long as normal....I'm really hoping Monday is better!
and now in true homeschooling fashion, I'm off to cook dinner, and plant tomato plants with the kids for this months science lessons and remember exactly why it is I truly do LOVE the time I get to have with my children every day!
Ok, just so ya know.... I am TOTALLY on mommy's side here. But WOW does he make me laugh!! LOL! Nice try mijo, but believe me you will NEVER pull one over on YOUR mommy, she's just too good! Love you guys!!!
Making them squirm is the best! LOL Somedays I love being the teacher.
And on a side note those "shows" are sometimes awesome! I do remember a certain somebody who throughly enjoyed watchinig a hotel being held hostage one summer with U have to dvr them so you can fast forward them and watch the hour long show in 20 mins. DUHH!! lol
HAHAHA somehow I was signed into Gary account...Hmmmm I didn't know he had an account.....
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